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Posted by : Unknown
Sabtu, 22 November 2014
Tehnik Membaca Cepat Bahasa Inggris
(Tehnik Dasar Membaca Cepat)
Selamat bergabung di Kuliah Bahasa Inggris mata kuliah Reading I. Materi ini
akan memberi pengayaan materi Reading 1. Kegiatan ini diharapkan dapat
membantu Anda untuk meningkatkan kemampuan dan keterampilan Anda dalam
membaca teks atau wacana dalam bahasa Inggris. Kegiatan kuliah ini insya Allah akan membantu Anda meningkakan pemahaman dalm membaca teks bahasa inggris secara cepat. Selain
sebagai ajang pembahasan materi, Anda dapat mengemukakan hal apa saja
dalam forum ini. Pergunakan kesempatan ini dengan sebaik mungkin.
Pada pertemuan I ini, Anda akan mengetahui tentang Basic Speed Reading Technique. Diharapkan Anda bisa meningkatkan kecepatan dan kemampuan membaca Anda tentunya dengan latihan-latihan sendiri!
Selamat Membaca. J
Pola 1
Secara umum mata kita membaca kata per kata dalam sebuah teks seperti yang ditunjukkan oleh pola di bawah ini. Mata membaca kata per kata, pada saat mata berhenti pada satu kata yang disebut dengan fixation, hal ini akan memakan waktu, yang mengakibat kegiatan membaca menjadi tidak efektif.
Seharusnya mata kita bergerak tidak seperti pola 1 diatas tapi seperti yang ditunjukkan pola 2 di bawah ini!
Pola 2
· Mengurangi fixations
· Membaca dalam kelompok-kelompok kata
- Selalu fokus pada bacaan
- Selalu membaca ke depan tidak mundur ke belakang
Kecepatan membaca Anda?
Untuk mengetahui kecepatan Anda, caranya:
Bagikan angka detik dengan angka 60 kemudian ditambah dengan angka menit.
Jika Anda membaca selama 2 menit, 24 detik. Bagikan 24 dengan 60 kemudian tambahkan dengan 2 = 2,4 menit.
Jadi, berapa kecepatan Anda membaca kata per menit?
Cukup Anda bagikan jumlah kata pada sebuah teks dengan 2,4. Rata-rata kecepatan membaca adalah 200-240 kata per menit.
Misalnya, sebuah teks terdiri dari 643 kata kemudian Anda bagikan dengan 2,4. Sehingga diperoleh kecepatan membaca kata permenit = 268wpm (word per minute) atau 643/2,4=268wpm.
Exercise I
adalah penggalan sebuah cerita yang terdiri dari 477 kata. Sekarang
Anda tentukan waktu sebelum membaca, usahakan membaca dengan menggunakan
pola 2.
Selamat membaca :)
Selamat membaca :)
Writed By Ring Lardner
got another barber that comes over from Carterville and helps me out
Saturdays, but the rest of the time I can get along all right alone. You
can see for yourself that this ain't no New York: City and besides
that, the most of the boys works all day and don't have no leisure to
drop in here and get themselves prettied up.
a newcomer, ain't you? I thought I hadn't seen you round before. I hope
you like it good enough to stay. As I say, we ain't no New York City or
Chicago, but we have pretty good times. Not as good, though, since Jim
Kendall got killed. When he was alive, him and Hod Meyers used to keep
this town in an uproar. I bet they was more laughin' done here than any
town its size in America.
was comical, and Hod was pretty near a match for him. Since Jim's gone,
Hod tries to hold his end up just the same as ever, but it's tough
goin' when you ain't got nobody to kind of work with.
used to be plenty fun in here Saturdays. This place is jampacked
Saturdays, from four o'clock on. Jim and Hod would show up right after
their supper round six o'clock. Jim would set himself down in that big
chair, nearest the blue spittoon. Whoever had been settin' in that
chair, why they'd get up when Jim come in and at" it to him.
of thought it was a reserved seat like they have sometimes in a
theaytre. Hod would generally always stand or walk up and down or some
Saturdays, of course, he'd be settin' in this chair part of the time,
gettin' a haircut.
Jim would set there a w'ile without opening his mouth only to spit, and
then finally he'd say to me, "Whitey,"--my right name, that is, my
right first name, is Dick, but everybody round here calls me Whitey--Jim
would say, "Whitey, your nose looks like a rosebud tonight. You must of
been drinkin' some of your aw de cologne."
So I'd say, "No, Jim, but you look like you'd been drinkin' something of that kind or somethin' worse."
would have to laugh at that, but then he'd speak up and say, "No, I
ain't had nothin' to drink, but that ain't sayin' I wouldn't like
somethin'. I wouldn't even mind if it was wood alcohol."
Hod Meyers would say, "Neither would your wife." That would set
everybody to laughin' because Jim and his wife wasn't on very good
terms. She'd of divorced him only they wasn't no chance to get alimony
and she didn't have no way to take care of herself and the kids. She
couldn't never understand Jim. He was kind of rough, but a good fella at
Berapakah kecepatan Anda membaca kata per menit?
mengetahui tingkat kecepatan Anda dalam membaca gunakan rumus di atas
tapi kecepatan Anda dalam membaca belum teruji jika belum menjawab
pertanyaan di bawah ini. Usahakan untuk tidak melihat kembali teks
1. What happened to Jim Kendall?
2. Who was Jim Kendall’s best friend?
3. What did Jim Kendall usually do on Saturday?
4. Did Jim Kendall get married?